正品在建築金字塔的頂端~永無止境的探索 The top of the pyramid ~ endless exploration
「正向積極」Good things are called "positive"
「品牌永續」Aesthetics is called "brand"
「創意美學」Development of the so-called "creative"
在過去;於上市櫃建設公司擔任海外行銷企劃暨珠寶藝品行銷,並跨領域結合品牌價值。從產品定位、廣告企劃、數位行銷、品牌經營、藝術展覽、國際合作案...等完整執行,擁有全方位實戰經驗。結合來自建築、土木、藝術、數位3D、文字工作者...整合「正品研制」~邁入第二個十年,把房地產企劃延伸趣味性、藝術性、知識性為一體, 從淺而易懂的設計美學傳達建築層次。
In the past, I worked on the company's marketing plan in the listed cabinet construction company and combined brand value across fields. From product positioning, advertising planning, digital marketing, brand management, art exhibitions, international cooperation projects, etc. to complete execution, we have all-round practical experience. Combining workers from architecture, civil engineering, art, digital 3D, and text... Integrating "genuine research and development" ~ Entering the second decade, extending real estate planning to be interesting, artistic, and informative, making it simple and easy to understand The design aesthetic conveys architectural hierarchy.